The God Who Rescues
The story of Ruth offers timeless insights into God's plan of redemption and His work in human lives. It invites readers to explore themes of love, faith, and grace, connecting the Old and New Testaments in a profound way.
Course description
Maybe you are wondering why we are recommending a study course based on the Old Testament story of Ruth, which happened over 1000 years before the birth of Jesus!?! Is it actually relevant TODAY? What does it teach us, that connects the Bible Truth within it between both the Old and the New Testaments?
First of all – yes, it is a true, historically important story, a romantic one at that! It is intriguing and VALUABLE, for although it does not even mention the name 'GOD', it is full of very clear parallels of God's dealing with His people then and now.
But crucially, it is a picture of Jesus Christ and God's plan, prepared before creation, of rescue, of redemption!!! If Jesus is your Lord already, you will find it an encouraging joy to read and discover new things about God. If you have started on your way to discovering Who Jesus Christ is and why the Bible is all about God – you will find it gripping, fascinating, puzzling, SURPRISING!!!
Enjoy – answer the questions – and ask us more questions!!!
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