Our Sinking Ship Called Life

Our Sinking Ship Called Life


Do we have a choice about when we are born, and who our parents are?  The talents, appearance, and personality/intelligence we are endowed with?  


Do we have a choice of the part of our planet we are living on?  Also not.

There is another lack of choice we inherit.  We are on the good ship 'Titanic 2' -- the Earth and all its inhabitants, doomed to perish with all aboard.  Because of the propensity to sin that we are born with, we are condemned.  These are not my words but another's:

  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

Romans 6:23

 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 

Romans 7:24

You see, we, like the writer, Paul, are subject to the law of death in body and spirit because of the sin that we have inherited, not to mention the great heap of wrongs we add to our 'inheritance!'  Death, and doom await us aboard the ship of life we dwell in, even though that life might look fabulous during the voyage, that party will not last...

Can you swim out when disaster strikes?  No.  Can you rescue yourself?  No.

But God in His great kindness gave grace, the unmerited gift of life, through His Son, Jesus Christ.  Rescue is available!

He gave a way out, salvation to all who hear and respond.   His children proclaim His word, the need to run to the lifeboats before it is too late.  You must get to Him.  He has provided the way.  Unlike the doomed Titanic of old, there are lifeboats for all.  But the passing of time has shown many will not heed the call...

Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Romans 7:25

But many have found deliverance! 

Are you aboard the lifeboat?  If so, your Savior is aboard with you, piloting you to HIS home, to life in Him both now and in eternity. 

  Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,  because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.   

Romans 8:1,2

If you have not found that lifeboat, God's rescue plan and means, there is still time! Seek Him, trust Him to save you!  That lifeboat won't deliver you to the life you know but to His life beyond our imagination, beyond the storms to a new horizon-- life in Him!

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About author

 A transplanted Texan with more years in Poland than in the USA.
A retired teacher of English as a foreign language, she loves classical music, hiking in nature, reading, and writing.
She is married to her marvelous husband, Adam, and loves their two children, with two rambunctious toddler grandchildren completing the joy of family.
God has given her countless opportunities to see His goodness through the years together with the challenges life has brought. Those lessons are the subject of her writing.Show less

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