One Powerful Packed Lunch

One Powerful Packed Lunch

Rhonda Krol
Content type: Articles
Category: Grow

Isn’t it marvelous how God uses simple, mundane things to shine out truth?

Take the feeding of the thousands and the packed lunch one boy had. (see John 6)

His mom had no idea that her son’s meal would be blessed. She had no idea that her son would be so blessed to share it. The boy was clueless as to what awaited.

Andrew couldn't know he would be blessed to believe the Lord could use it.

We too have no idea how our daily ‘gifts’ are blessed either.

God takes our everyday words, feeble works, and small gifts into his hand and creates a feast for the hungry near us, be they physically or spiritually in need.

A word of encouragement, inspiration. A meal to a stranger to make it back home. A borrowed sweater to warm when cold, lodging for the night, and all the rest. We can make a difference through that act, though seemingly insignificant at the time, it can be the step towards feeding the crowd with more to spare.

My husband, Adam, years ago while traveling abroad, was so blessed by a black stranger who chose to help a poor Polish tourist who had 5 pounds too little to pay for the required upgrade on the channel ferry. He had just the amount needed for the 2nd class but the places had sold out. He had to return to Poland that day, the Socialist government of that day tolerated no delays on visas, especially for conscripts. But all his money was gone! But, in God's mercy, in that line of tourists boarding the ferry was a generous soul who had mercy on my poor husband. The missing 5 pounds were given; Adam boarded and returned home without a problem.

We remember to this day that kindness and have been able to repay others in kind.

The key to it all is to be in the right place at the right time. That is where Jesus is.

His Holy Spirit enables us to see that happen. Our open eyes and hearts do the rest as we walk in obedience to his will.

A cup of water to the thirsty, letting a driver in during a traffic jam, sharing a word with that depressed colleague-- we cannot even imagine what God can do with the gifts of mercy we distribute. To this, as we add our prayers for God to be glorified and bless the recipient, we become like the disciple Andrew who trusted that Jesus could use even that small lunch to fill the greater need. He had gone out to find that packed lunch among the crowd and met that little boy, he brought him and the lunch to the Lord. Notice that Andrew was actively seeking ways to help.

You can seek too!  Entrust your giving, your words of cheer, your acts of mercy to the Father. Pray with intention, for those who need His help, to His glory. He can do much more than we think or imagine! Even with a packed lunch.

Image found on Joshualyn's Pinterest page.

About author

 A transplanted Texan with more years in Poland than in the USA.
A retired teacher of English as a foreign language, she loves classical music, hiking in nature, reading, and writing.
She is married to her marvelous husband, Adam, and loves their two children, with two rambunctious toddler grandchildren completing the joy of family.
God has given her countless opportunities to see His goodness through the years together with the challenges life has brought. Those lessons are the subject of her writing.Show less

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