So It Is JOY You Seek?

So It Is JOY You Seek?

Joy is the lost element of the Christmas season for many.  Sure, we hear it sung about it, and see it occasionally on the faces of others, but we do not experience it ourselves. Sometimes we even doubt we ever will.

Is it only the fortunate, wealthy, or those with simpler lives that experience that fleeting emotion? 

My husband and I had a real test of joy when we both came down with the flu during the holidays full of plans for family visits, feasts, company, and good cheer.  I ended up in a feverish daze that Christmas Eve morning--the day we were to travel to the beautiful snowy mountains...

And what of it!?  Fortunately, real JOY is not dependent on any of these, and it is not at all 'fleeting' but a sustaining part of the lives of many. It is not 'just' happiness.  I'll show you what I mean and why anyone can know it according to what the Old Testament Psalms tell us.

      "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."                  Psalm 16:11  

My grammar corrector tried to change 'make known' in the verse to 'tell.'  It isn't the same though, is it?  God illuminates, demonstrates, and makes known HIS ways and as we follow, we find joy in His presence.  It is not just a piece of information spoken to us but an unearthing of truth we seek for ourselves. It's like getting to know anyone. It takes time and openness from our side, a willingness to be right with God, whatever that might mean, no holds barred.

    "Bring joy to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul."                                   Psalm 56:4

Do you need a reason for joy?  Lift up your soul to the God of Heaven, the One who meets us more than halfway! Though your life might be difficult now, He comes to bring the strength to live it in Him, His peace, His joy in the midst of it all. So lift up your life to Him!

    "Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight."   Psalm 43:3

He does become our joy and delight.  He, Himself!  Not just our circumstances, not just our company or the things HE can give us here and now:  He, Himself becomes our joy and nothing can take that away!

How do you find Him, to find that kind of life?  It is described in God's word, the Bible, but also our courses, especially Discover Jesus.  There you will learn what God says about Himself and why you should look to HIM, to Jesus, to find life, a new life HE alone can provide.  

And one of the hallmarks of life in Him is joy!  Not just the emotion, but the reality of life with a loving God, present with us through our days, whatever they may contain all year round, not just the festive holidays. We were able to rejoice together, despite the flu -- the joy of His coming to crack open the darkness of this world so that we can live in the light with Him (otherwise known as Christmas) was still ours and always will be.  Come and join in the joy!!

Own picture from 2024 Christmas tree during our Flu days isolated at home.


About author

 A transplanted Texan with more years in Poland than in the USA.
A retired teacher of English as a foreign language, she loves classical music, hiking in nature, reading, and writing.
She is married to her marvelous husband, Adam, and loves their two children, with two rambunctious toddler grandchildren completing the joy of family.
God has given her countless opportunities to see His goodness through the years together with the challenges life has brought. Those lessons are the subject of her writing.Show less

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