Butterfly Stewards? - GrowYourLife.net Join for free

Butterfly Stewards?

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10. Ever thought about what that verse means?

Steward – a person who administers the property, house, etc of another.  That’s one dictionary view.

Let’s put this in the spiritual realm by including those gifts the Holy Spirit has gifted in our lives. All that love, kindness, joy, knowledge, wisdom, helps, teaching gifts, healing, etc. in infinite combinations are then to be administered, shared, and maintained in the ‘house’ of our God.

That house is His kingdom and His world.

Since each of us is a steward, then the variety is immense. So, looking into nature, let’s use the humble example of the multitudinous butterfly for ‘administering’ our teeming gifts.

First, and closest to us, butterflies bring beauty and color to the environment. Nothing fascinates young children more than watching these flying insects.

Questions: Are we a colorful example to the people around us, one bringing joy, a uniqueness, one worth observing?  We know we are different, is that difference appealing?

Some of us just might be. Perhaps we are the salt of the earth with rainbow wings!

Like the butterflies (17,500 types according to Smithsonian), we are diversely equipped in form and gift. People are the ‘plants’ that we live among in our example. You are gifted to go and serve folks that I cannot, nor can anyone else but you reach. The diversity of who we are is a gift, like these insects suited to the environment, we call home places of industry or academia, serve the strong and the weak, and understand the news and the nuances of life where we are.

Questions: Do we feel the needs of people around us? Who are we suited to share the love of God with?

Also, according to Smithsonian… Butterflies have scales! Who would have thought?

Yes, we need protective armor in the spiritual world to serve in the place we call home. There are enemies there, trials, and little food to sustain. That is why we need to call on God's help so often and that armor of Ephesians 6:10-17 is essential.

Butterflies are beneficial by carrying pollen from one flower to the next. And here is one of their functions and ours that so overlap. We share life-bringing encouragement and tangible help. We bring the good news for those who have never heard or have strayed from the truth they once knew. We give what we have received. We help create something greater by our contribution. Everywhere we go, we bless and we take something new along for the next people on our path.

Questions:  Do you take advantage of fellowship?  What can you share with others of God's goodness in your life?

Butterflies have excellent vision. We, who have known the goodness of God, often see spiritual depths that others can’t. That is one of His gifts. We can be the eyes for those who see only dimly, and bring new vision to the work that God calls us to do. The Lord of our life wants us to share His light with others. So? Let’s share God’s good gifts where WE can, at home or in our fellowship, or to the ends of the earth.

Colorful or plain, fast or fluttering, we are all adapted to the environment-- the circle of friends, family, neighborhood, and nation where we dwell!  Enjoy your flight! We may feel weak as those frail insects but as He has gifted us, we can serve with verve!!

poster by Adolphe Millot https://www.pictureboxblue.com/natural-history-posters.../

About author

 A transplanted Texan with more years in Poland than in the USA.
A retired teacher of English as a foreign language, she loves classical music, hiking in nature, reading, and writing.
She is married to her marvelous husband, Adam, and loves their two children, with two rambunctious toddler grandchildren completing the joy of family.
God has given her countless opportunities to see His goodness through the years together with the challenges life has brought. Those lessons are the subject of her writing.Show less

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