Completing a Bible course with AI? Really!?

It was the first time the course coaches here suspected it. Other times, when language was so well used despite the author being a non-native speaker, I chalked it up to some fine language translation apps. This time was different.
How? The answers were superb, like a professor or pastor would answer, and journalist-level language skills thrown in. And to that, that 'essay' of answers filled the question-answer blanks in record time.
Really!? No one thinks that fast, unless...
Unless you use a machine to 'fill in the blanks.'
What's wrong with that, you ask? Think about it. A human being does not learn that way. Filling in blanks with something other than your learning accomplishes nothing. Who are you fooling? Who are you out to impress? It is both dishonest and cheating yourself. That would be the same in academics but in a Bible course, one designed to grow spiritually, these people are deceiving themselves.
Knowledge is not the point. Giving right answers is not the point. Think of it as sending your computer to the coffee shop for your face-to-face meeting with a friend. The two of you can meet online, naturally; but expecting the machine to handle all the nuances of face time spent with a friend is not the same. Seeking information, the computer can help. Discerning the right course of action with all the variables, it would not be wisest choice but still possible. Thinking that it can help you find the living God is ridiculous. THAT is the point of a Bible course here at
And yet, some approach God that way. Quiet time in prayer then becomes a waste of time. Fellowship with others becomes a waste of time. Eventually, when God does not 'show himself' to them as they imagine he should, God himself becomes a waste of time...
No. "Be still and know that I am God" has never sounded better. We only shrink in understanding when we do not seek the truth where HE has placed it. Then we only hear the voices in our ears and start thinking it is 'god speaking.'
Using AI can help explain some expressions perhaps, That's no problem. But isn't it better to seek the answers, seeking the truth for yourself--through the word, prayer, and faith?
Image from Google images.
About author
A retired teacher of English as a foreign language, she loves classical music, hiking in nature, reading, and writing.
She is married to her marvelous husband, Adam, and loves their two children, with two rambunctious toddler grandchildren completing the joy of family.
God has given her countless opportunities to see His goodness through the years together with the challenges life has brought. Those lessons are the subject of her writing.Show less