The Chasm

...the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.
Matthew's gospel, chapter 4, verse 16.Feeling hemmed in by life? Be it responsibilities of work or family, a lack of opportunity or resources, or a trying relationship, all of them wall us in.
This picture from the Tunnel of Light in Arizona truly captures that feeling! It exemplifies our human tendency to concentrate on the high impenetrable walls around us, while the light at the end of that tunnel is where our eyes should be focused.
There IS light to persevere. It is there just ahead. If you are caught in such a place and time of life, keep moving out of the chasm! Those shadows are real, true, but as we move, guided by the light we can put them behind us. Only a little further the walls open up and light floods the space all around us!
Don't choose to live in the darkness of the chasm! Look up! Seek the light while it is still day!
photo: Buzzfeed