The Wrong Side of Heaven...

The Wrong Side of Heaven...

Rhonda Krol
Content type: Articles
Category: Discover

And the [heavenly city] did not need the sun or the moon. The glory of God was shining on it, and the Lamb was its light.                                       Revelations 21:23

Think of the most beautiful place you know with perfect lighting and weather.  Is it a sparkling winter vacation scene?  Forested mountain landscape? Seascape?

Now multiply that by infinity!

That is what is awaiting the Children of God when the Kingdom comes to Earth. Just read Revelations 21 to get a foretaste.  From verse 11:

'...its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel,...'  and that just for starters!

Then, believe that He Who Saves is faithful in all He says.

If the wrong side of heaven, our beautiful, natural world is glorious, what magnificence must await His children when we see HIM face to face in THAT place? 

But the overwhelmingly greatest joy is not the splendor, it is that HE is there and envelops the whole in HIS light.  Life eternal, believers living with the God of love and grace!  That is what makes heaven what it is!

Are you invited? If you are the least bit uncertain, look into the Discover Jesus course!! Talk with your E-coach about it.  The Bible gives assurance of our position with God...

photo manipulation: Logan Zillmer found on Pinterest from article on his work

About author

 A transplanted Texan with more years in Poland than in the USA.
A retired teacher of English as a foreign language, she loves classical music, hiking in nature, reading, and writing.
She is married to her marvelous husband, Adam, and loves their two children, with two rambunctious toddler grandchildren completing the joy of family.
God has given her countless opportunities to see His goodness through the years together with the challenges life has brought. Those lessons are the subject of her writing.Show less

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